Monday, March 3, 2008

a new nice game

Hey guys. i found this new and rather interesting game.
its called "mao zhua lao shu"
here a vid. watch it .
quite interesting, we can try it at our next gathering , yea?

anyway , the rules are simples, there is a judge and participants.
the judge will start the game by telling how many "lao shu" the participants have to catch.

so the games starts by

everyone goes
"ji ji cha cha ji ji cha cha ji ji ji"
"mao zhua lao shu zhua ji zhi"
judge: "zhu XX zhi"

and the games starts.
for example, the judge choose to let the participants catch 3 lao shu.
so the game ends when the participants managed to say zhua dao le 3 times.
Moreover, at the end , when they managed to zhua 3 times , they have to say "wan sui"

in the games ,
the participant can use terms like "mao lai le" , "zhua dao le" , "pao tiao le"
only , when u say "zhua dao le" its consider 1 TIME.
the rest is used as a "confusion" technique :)
Next, when any of the partcipant say "mao lai le" , everyone has to say "miao".
Lastly, for "pao tiao le" , no action is required .

watch the video for more details :))

oh yea, check out the annoucements section , and i still need you guys to tell me when you are free.
thanks for co-operating

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